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picture1_Tourism Pdf 200064 | 1647 3674 1 Sm

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File: Tourism Pdf 200064 | 1647 3674 1 Sm
arifin pendekatan community based tourism dalam pendekatan community based tourism dalam membina hubungan komunitas di kawasan kota tua jakarta 1 1 anindya putri raflesia arifin freelance di photographer dan pegiat ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Arifin pendekatan community based tourism dalam membina hubungan komunitas di kawasan kota tua jakarta anindya putri raflesia freelance photographer dan pegiat lsm peduli andindyapra ymail com abstract the is one of external public that has a strategic position in improving image or reputation organization activities within can play an active role helping to improve education health and provide facilities so forth form pass routine periodic aimed at attracting stakeholders old city s management unit important increasing potential town with qualitative approach this research reveals relations collecting compiling reporting analysis parties who participate fostering good results show there are communities located always shows process communication action through messages doing help increase attractiveness tourist destinations keywords regional abstrak merupakan salah satu publik eksternal yang memiliki posisi strategis meningkatkan citra atau reputasi oranisasi aktivitas didalam sebuah d...

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