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picture1_Esp  Tourist And Hotel Management

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File: Esp Tourist And Hotel Management
z z z z z written by veronika burdova supervisor mgr svtlana hanusova ph d brno 2007 i declare that i worked on the following thesis on my own and ...

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...Written by veronika burdova supervisor mgr svtlana hanusova ph d brno i declare that worked on the following thesis my own and used all sources mentioned in bibliography acknowledgments would like to thank mrg for her comments work kind help valuable advice she provided me introduction theoretical part english specific purposes esp what is its definitions characteristic features of course organizing selecting material types activities with text role teacher lesson versus general dudley evans theory practitioner creating a learning environment motivation evaluation ii practical tourist management pre reading activity questionnaire map find your country lonely planet post filling gap comparing facts language study expressing likes dislikes word using translation hotel facilities vocabulary speaking making dialogue industry...

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