File: Marketing In Tourism Pdf 199964 | 5108 Item Download 2023-02-09 09-23-14
international journal of economics commerce and management united kingdom vol v issue 10 october 2017 http ijecm co uk issn 2348 0386 an overview of the tourism marketing strategy in ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of economics commerce and management united kingdom vol v issue october http ijecm co uk issn an overview the tourism marketing strategy in yemen taha ahmed al mahbashi binary graduate school university malaysia gmail com ahmad shuib institute agricultural food policy studies putra mad abstract industry is identified as a priority area for government income rich with products which are categorized into cultural seaside desert thus represented by promotion board has developed country however showed little successes several problematic issues raised such lack specific targets disagreement between public private sectors infrastructure development have been found to be main that hinder success yet different parties should take consideration order develop keywords destination introduction arab situated western asia it stretches from south southern end arabian peninsula being second largest occupies km sanaa capital arabic official language widely spoken total populatio...