geojournal of tourism and geosites year xiv vol 38 no 4 2021 p 1203 1210 issn 2065 1198 e issn 2065 0817 doi 10 30892 gtg 38427 761 adaptive strategies ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Geojournal of tourism and geosites year xiv vol no p issn e doi gtg adaptive strategies employed by the mice sector in response to covid refiloe julia lekgau university johannesburg school hospitality college business economics south africa mail rlekgau uj ac za tembi maloney tichaawa tembit citation r j t m https org abstract has brought fore drastic transformative changes current study therefore sought examine responses survive maintain continuity during pandemic adopting a qualitative research design representatives various subsectors industry including organisers suppliers associations were interviewed data reveals that immediate implemented many organisations involved reevaluation their operational costs moreover found readjusted its models include virtual events order ensure recovery resilience light argues importance understanding as broadening theory on crises specifically well process post key words introduction disruption ensuing economic impact global system emerged prominen...