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picture1_Tourism Pdf 199942 | 18mtt45e U2

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File: Tourism Pdf 199942 | 18mtt45e U2
unit ii the historical development of business travel and tourism business travel and tourism is certainly not a new phenomenon people have been travelling because of their work for many ...

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...Unit ii the historical development of business travel and tourism is certainly not a new phenomenon people have been travelling because their work for many centuries however some forms such as incentive are modern inventions problem with writing about that it subject has attracted very little attention from academics there therefore few sources to draw upon other than archive material relating specific silk route or medieval trade fairs europe nevertheless understanding current requires an appreciation its origins history today simply latest manifestations age old phenomena in figure we attempted offer comprehensive if highly generalized view growth this clearly based on hard data but instead impression makes important point grown more twentieth century all previous variety reasons will look at later chapter looks developments historic can also see fluctuations volume during periods war instability widespread disease while endeavoring be truly global picture likely reflects situation n...

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