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picture1_Tourism Pdf 199903 | Repository C 5,13 Leonardo Praja Tua Saragih

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Tourism Pdf 199903 | Repository C 5,13 Leonardo Praja Tua Saragih

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Implementasi sustainable tourism pada objek wisata air terjun sipiso piso dalam meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah pad di kabupaten karo provinsi sumatera utara leonardo praja tua saragih program studi pembangunan ekonomi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat fakultas politik pemerintahan institut negeri jatinangor jawa barat indonesia email leosaragih gmail com abstrack problem background gap implementing the concept of travel competitiveness report from world economic forum very influential in increasing number visitors to tourist attraction so as increase income objectives this study aims analyze how implementation waterfall object can regional original methods uses a method with qualitative descriptive approach using theory by van meter horn namely clear policy resources relationships between organizations related agencies characteristics agents conditions disposition findings obtained researcher are that has not run optimally due many obstacles both government and community around sustaina...

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