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picture1_Tourism Pdf 199898 | 10113064 Dendy Yogaswara Anggaditya Jurnal Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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File: Tourism Pdf 199898 | 10113064 Dendy Yogaswara Anggaditya Jurnal Dalam Bahasa Inggris
development of planning and tourism guide application based on android for jember regency dendy yogaswara anggaditya1 eko budi setiawan s kom m t 2 1 2 universitas komputer indonesia jalan ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Development of planning and tourism guide application based on android for jember regency dendy yogaswara anggaditya eko budi setiawan s kom m t universitas komputer indonesia jalan dipatiukur bandung e mail dendyanggaditya dev gmail com email unikom ac id abstract information dissemination activities or events that take place is still low the results one sector plays an important role questionnaire distributed in early september economic growth a region with total respondents to tourists there are several tourist attractions attract many who have visited stating local foreign visit do not always get about also has which this causes want can late carnival namely jfc while fashion well known major influence increase visits international number enthusiasts so often stated search existing had difficulty obtaining december what will complete use services agency travel only know some objects from confused because it be concluded they receive clear enough help less than optimal obtain few cr...

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