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File: Tourism Pdf 199876 | 139791 530311 2 Pb
cuadernos de turismo n 27 2011 pp 1021 1028 universidad de murcia issn 1139 7861 religious tourism in spain the goose that laid the golden egg an old tradition versus ...

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...Cuadernos de turismo n pp universidad murcia issn religious tourism in spain the goose that laid golden egg an old tradition versus emerging form of gemma canoves valiente and asuncion blanco romero autonoma barcelona uab es cat introduction aim this article is to show how just like cultural a travel further expression commercialisation culture or be more precise religion popular devotion heritage images sanctuaries beliefs devotions related with identity feeling faith but also consumption product on basis hypothesis cases montserrat camino santiago way st james semana santa holy week granada share common nexus complementarization between examples given are has been established as space for tourist visits meaning divided into four sections first focuses state question definition terms second notes volume difficulties lack available data third explains case studies phenomenon fourth we present our conclusions future lines research new few recent llurdes esteve secall gil arriba porcal g...

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