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File: Tourism Pdf 199866 | 2 Item Download 2023-02-09 08-32-14
boletin de la asociacion de geografos espanoles n 52 2010 pags 353 357 i s s n 0212 9426 an analysis of tourism development in catalonia using destination life cycle ...

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...Boletin de la asociacion geografos espanoles n pags i s an analysis of tourism development in catalonia using destination life cycle luis alfonso garay tamajon universitat oberta catalunya gemma canoves valiente autonoma barcelona the article begins with a justification and presentation its theoretical framework following review national international literature about historical we conclude that it has gone from initial stage which different pioneers began work to new emergence publications refer specific aspects or local experiences related however long term horizontal approach regional tourist destinations was found be lacking this is objective research integrates elements explain structural changes industry observing production methods organization technological innovation as well pursuit social differentiation based on consumption creation image linked territorial identity study temporal dynamic dimensions are just important those territory although there many insights into plannin...

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