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picture1_Visual Basic Programming Examples Pdf 198455 | Pgdcpdf

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File: Visual Basic Programming Examples Pdf 198455 | Pgdcpdf
102 p g d c m semester i examination 2011 102 programming using visual basic 2008 pattern time 3 hours max marks 70 note 1 all questions are compulsory 2 ...

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...P g d c m semester i examination programming using visual basic pattern time hours max marks note all questions are compulsory figures to the right indicates full give output for following section of code and explain solve any a dim as date print datediff msgbox b str string university pune strconv vbbinary integer division t o x step select case is end next e y z f j round use property columns listbox style command button wordwrap label strech image picture interval timer write sectional check whether number prime or not user defined function which accepts returns its reverse names cities add it in combobox after city from remove will create menubar having options circle rectangle area selected menu option with appropriate short notes data types array message box input menus functions common dialog introduction instructions q object oriented concepts advantages design an item class specifications itemid price rate private member variables calculate amt show public overloaded construct...

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