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global refugee forum stocktaking events in the lead up to the hlom unhcr is convening regional thematic and stakeholder specific stocktaking events to identify both progress and the areas where ...

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...Global refugee forum stocktaking events in the lead up to hlom unhcr is convening regional thematic and stakeholder specific identify both progress areas where more efforts are needed particularly light of socio economic impacts covid pandemic conducted either through standalone or integrated other processes november december mayors for inclusive cities north africa education alliance west central january children compact on refugees a year since what now february conference gcr role faith based organizations protection disability inclusion displacement parliamentary action end statelessness march asile asylum governance eu s annual academic interdisciplinary network april sport coalition multi approach middle east st expert meeting virtually kampala declaration jobs livelihood self reliance mirps support platform roundtable private sector roundtables opportunities positive effects returnees with needs working group internal ministers labor secretariat lima chapter quito process may gr...

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