File: Pdf Certificate Online 198392 | 1 1 Computer Basics Lesson Plan
1 1 computer basics lesson plan prior to class student computer setup 1 copy the student folder onto each desktop 2 place shortcuts to the following documents on the student ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Computer basics lesson plan prior to class student setup copy the folder onto each desktop place shortcuts following documents on mouse practice keyboarding file management prepare printed copies of a session survey b certificate if pre printing certificates c manual instructor ensure that lcd projector and are working properly complete presentation open your then minimize them so only appears document training manage completion spreadsheet in tell students is two four hour course designed familiarize new computers with basic terminology hardware software input keyboard output devices as well microsoft windows structure introductions ask any have experience explain we will be going over because this an introductory about their expectations i e what do you hope learn today maximize ppt go through slides using information below guide take notes handbook dotted lines provided for purpose when necessary encourage stop they questions learning goals describe why important how work difference...