comp 4432 secure coding and testing spring 2018 syllabus instructor andrew neel aneel memphis edu office hours by appointment only please arrange by email 2 3 days in advance location ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Comp secure coding and testing spring syllabus instructor andrew neel aneel memphis edu office hours by appointment only please arrange email days in advance location dunn hall room time mon wed pm key dates term jan may th last day april exam february march rd final holidays break study text software security building gary r mcgraw nd opt c edition robert seacord john viega course description this covers programming practices necessary to develop applications against attacks exploits topics covered include fundamental concepts of development defensive techniques design methodologies penetration server side client web application fuzz file inclusion vulnerabilities etc prerequisite professional conduct students are expected themselves a manner each student will further be held accountable the university s code classroom expectations i expect appear class prepared discuss appropriate preparation includes but is not limited reading reviewing recommended online materials review source whe...