Grade 8 th nd Distance Learning Module 7: Week of: May 18 – May 22 Grade 8 Science Modified from Unit #4 - Chemistry Targeted Goals from Stage 1: Desired Results Vocabulary: Protons, neutrons, electrons, valence electrons, Bohr Model, Lewis Dot Diagram Skills: Synthesize information and communicate learning. Expectation: Students will be able to accurately determine the correct number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for any element on the Periodic Table and correctly utilize the information to construct a Bohr Model of the element. Answer keys are provided to students so that they can self-assess their learning. Students will have ...
Cambridge IGCSE® Chemistry – Summer Assignment nd ® By the end of the first week of school, Friday, August 22 , 2014, each Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry student will have completed the following TWO tasks: 1) A Color-Coded Periodic Table: Students will use the attached blank periodic table to create their own ...
Name: _________________________ Period: ____________ Element of the Periodic Table research project My project is due: This project is worth 2 grades: one Formative for your research handout, and one Summative for your final project. Complete the research on your element; the following websites may be helpful to you o o o 1. My element name is: ____________________________________________________________ 2. My element is a metal, nonmetal, metalloid: ________________________________________ 3. Physical description of my element is:________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. At room temperature, my element is a (what state of matter?): ______________________ 5 ...
Atomic Structure Web Quest Name:______________________________ Period:______ Go to 1. Click on the periodic table then click on sulfur. Scroll down to the picture of the sulfur atom and it’s rings. Copy the picture below 2. Explain what the rings show, and describe sulfur’s valence electrons in the picture. Go to Click on the periodic table then click on sulfur. Next, scroll down to the isotopes in the text box. 3. Copy the isotopes, and their % abundances. Explain how many protons, neutrons, and electrons each sulfur isotope has. 4. Based on the ...