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picture1_Contracts Pdf 197834 | Final Year Notes

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File: Contracts Pdf 197834 | Final Year Notes
purchasing purchasing refers to a business or organization attempting to acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goals of its enterprise though there are several organizations that attempt to set ...

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...Purchasing refers to a business or organization attempting acquiring goods services accomplish the goals of its enterprise though there are several organizations that attempt set standards in process processes can vary greatly between typically word is not used interchangeably with procurement since includes expediting supplier quality and traffic logistics addition objective purchase right quantity at price time from source organisation responsbility department identifying requirements for materials reliable suppliers negotiations comparison delivery terms establishing order quantities writing requests bids awarding supply contracts coordinating warehouse against storage capacities product testing control managing budgets payments method by requirement market speculative specific future period contract scheduled group small items co operative centralized larger companies often create structures where executive leads team individuals housed central location this hub approach company se...

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