File: Steps In Computer Programming Pdf 197612 | Gsah Cadette Coding Basics Pseudocode
coding basics badge pseudocode pseudocode is a way to plan a computer program using human friendly language pseudo is greek for false so pseudocode is false or imitation code it ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Coding basics badge pseudocode is a way to plan computer program using human friendly language pseudo greek for false so or imitation code it s not actual but written description of the key elements an algorithm used as quick thinking about without completely writing out in saves programmer time and still lets her check that will run syntax programming has be exact can more flexible beginning programmers series steps like recipe followed good place start here example called drawing smiley face take sheet paper get pencil draw circle eyes smile you little specific best use too many details just order think ll need could write middle page one eye inside on right side other left under tips only statement per line main purpose break down complex process into simpler parts keeping helps with this capitalize first keyword each direction typically verb later when are naming functions what mean how general structures looks changing real blocks structure indents your clarify add comments if nec...