Periodic Table and Atomic Structure: Secret Agent Teacher Version This lab explores the structure of atoms and elements as well as simple ionic bonds. Students use colored beads and the periodic table to model and identify different elements. Students also assemble a periodic table of secret agents, and try to identify the missing agent, based on trends and patterns. California Science Content Standards: • 1. Atomic and Molecular Structure: The periodic table displays the elements in increasing atomic number and ...
Cambridge IGCSE® Chemistry – Summer Assignment nd ® By the end of the first week of school, Friday, August 22 , 2014, each Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry student will have completed the following TWO tasks: 1) A Color-Coded Periodic Table: Students will ...
November 05, 2014 Color Coding the PERIODIC TABLE Color Coding the Periodic Table Student Worksheet This worksheet will help you understand how the periodic table is arranged. Your teacher will giver you a copy of the periodic table to color. Using colored pencils, color each group on the table as follows: Refer to page R11 in your student planner. AS YOU WORK, make a key on the bottom of your Periodic Table to indicate which color represents each group. 1 ...
M and M® model of the Atom Edible Subatomic Particles By Eric Muller Introduction: Use colored candy to represent subatomic particles and make a model of an atom (Bohr model). This helps with student understanding of the sub-atomic components of an atom as well as nuclear notation of the periodic table. Material: • A periodic table (See below) • M and M or other edible treats (Skittles ®, jelly beans, etc) • A copy of the blank Bohr model (print ...
The Periodic Table of Elements On the accompanying Periodic Table of Elements, do the following: 1) Number the groups and periods; 2) Label the halogens, alkali metals, transition metals, alkaline metals, noble gases, and non-metals groups; 3) Draw in the stair-step line that divides the metals from the non-metals; 4) Draw a box around the element that is the exception to the metals/non-metals rule; 5) Label the Actinide series and Lanthanide series of elements; 6) Using the element Beryllium, label ...
A FAST-PACED CARD GAME ABOUT THE ELEMENTS You will need: Scissors, photocopies of the pattern pages on white card stock, colored pencils if you would like the students to color the cards, and a copy of the Periodic Table for each student Set up Cut apart the cards. If you would like the students to add color to the cards, provide colored pencils and some extra coloring time. How to play The object of the game is to be the ...
BLACK HISTORY MONTH TIMELINE 190 1926 1970 1976 9 BHM Gets NAACP Negro The Month Presidential Founded History Week First Endorsemen The National Established Observed Association for Proposed by t The precursor to Gerald Ford urges the Advancement Black educators Americans to of Colored People Black History and students at honor the U.S. is founded. Month is started Kent State Bicentennial by by historian University in also celebrating February 12, Carter G. 1969, the first Black History 1909 Woodson ...