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picture1_719 S19 L11 Kubernetes

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File: 719 S19 L11 Kubernetes
cloud native applications and kubernetes k8s alex glikson 15 719 s19 th february 25 2019 trivia steersman a person who steers a ship https en wiktionary org wiki ce ba ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cloud native applications and kubernetes ks alex glikson s th february trivia steersman a person who steers ship https en wiktionary org wiki ce ba cf b bd ae icons made by freepik from www flaticon com cmu cs advanced computing outline background overview in nutshell architecture unit of deployment pod composite control plane scheduler custom resources controllers summary related projects main takeaways motivation elasticityand ubiquityof infrastructure enabled new generation with potential to disrupt their markets or create e g o netflix airbnb spotify pinterest snapchat whatsapp example requirements value proposition competitive advantage low cost video streaming superb user experience at scale application properties unique millions users countries most them the us vast variance load within minutes evenings campaigns etc thousands servers least one server will fail every day daily changes across functions catalog recommendations subscription update minute...

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