File: Fundamentals Of Web Development Pdf 196956 | Mta Od 363 External
exam 98 363 web development fundamentals target audience candidates for this exam are seeking to prove knowledge of and skills in creating web based applications by using microsoft visual studio ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Exam web development fundamentals target audience candidates for this are seeking to prove knowledge of and skills in creating based applications by using microsoft visual studio express the net framework mvc managed code before taking should have a solid foundational topics outlined preparation guide it is recommended that be familiar with concepts hands on experience technologies described here following prescribed curriculum maps or working tutorials samples available msdn expected some language such as c basic also understanding html syntax usage process expanding their job related areas application asp server side client coding techniques tools event model services communications accessing display data deploying host internet information iis configuration options objective domain programming customize layout appearance page may include but not limited css tables embedding images navigation understand intrinsic objects request session response httpcontext base classes httprequestba...