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picture1_Karl Fuerlinger

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File: Karl Fuerlinger
dash a c pgas library for distributed data structures and parallel algorithms www dash project org karl furlinger ludwig maximilians universitat munchen dash overview dash is a c template library ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Dash a c pgas library for distributed data structures and parallel algorithms www project org karl furlinger ludwig maximilians universitat munchen overview is template that offers complete part global address space programming system without custom pre compiler terminology shared managed by in virtual array shareds private int b unit n regular mechanisms the individual participants program usually full os processes of sppexa workshop japan tokio april structure ha smart application phase i ii tool management s lmu munich tempalte nd dock dart api libraries runtime erfaces tu dresden interfaces tools resilience support one sided communication hlrs stuttgart substrate mpi gasnet armci gaspi kit karlsruhe case hardware network processor studies memory storage deployment ihr projects geography...

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