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picture1_Linq Cheatsheet

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File: Linq Cheatsheet
linq cheat sheet query syntax lambda syntax filtering var col from o in orders var col2 orders where o o customerid 84 where o customerid 84 select o return anonymous ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Linq cheat sheet query syntax lambda filtering var col from o in orders where customerid select return anonymous type new orderid cost ordering orderby ascending orderbydescending descending thenbydescending returns same results as above note the of s joining c customers join on equals name grouping ordercounts groupby group by into g key totalorders count is value e example an int because paging using skip take top first and after element operators single last elementat defaults throws exception if no elements cust null singleordefault a customer instance defaultifempty used way i j all throw exceptions source sequence empty lastordefault firstordefault elementatordefault default t will be returned reference or nullable non bool etc this can seen conversions toarray string names todictionary dictionary customerorderswithmaxcost oc max tolist list ordersover tolookup ilookup customerlookup...

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