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...Writing a computer science thesis tobias pfandzelter martin grambow trever schirmer and david bermbach mobile cloud computing research group tuberlin einstein center digital future berlin germany tp mg ts db mcc tu de december abstract is considerable challenge for stu dents in this text we give some tips structure to write great will go over the process general finding topic an expos e at end include on researching introduction if you are reading might be about start or information systems management ict innovation etc maybeevenatthemobile researchgroup athesis whetherit bachelor s master essentially task that complete yourself can daunting but not alone since completing necessary degree tub learn from your previous students experiences article of those lessons order help successfully specifically address following questions whatisathesis howisitdifferentfromaprojectorseminar section how do i find my howdoiwriteanexpos whyshouldievendosuchathing working additionally provide talking as...