prof rajendra singh rajju bhaiya university prayagraj bcasyllabusaspergradingandcredit system accordin g nationa l educatio n policy 2020 national education policy 2020 common minimum syllabus for university and colleges bachelor of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Prof rajendra singh rajju bhaiya university prayagraj bcasyllabusaspergradingandcredit system accordin g nationa l educatio n policy national education common minimum syllabus for and colleges bachelor of computer application bca session onwards as per developm ent guideli nes restructured approved b y bos o r ajendras ingh rajjub haiya u niversity mirzapur road naini www prsuniv ac in prsu cbcs semester wise titles courses papers nep credits grading theory evaluation code course title practical mm cie ete i bt mathematics t ii fundamentals iii programming c iv basic electronics bcai sem v communication skills lab vi bp p skill statistics data file structure business bcaii digital object oriented methodology using discrete design ananalysis algorithms java bcaiii organization base management numerical methods operating dot net cyber law internet bcaiv security software engineering graphics multimedia systems bcav networks web br minor project e commerce advanced elective choose archite...