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picture1_Periodicity Of Elements Pdf 195872 | Unit Vii Periodic Properties

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File: Periodicity Of Elements Pdf 195872 | Unit Vii Periodic Properties
lnct group of colleges name of faculty dr preeti gupta designation associate professor department engineering chemistry subject engineering chemistry unit vii topic periodic properties lnct group of colleges classification of ...

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...Lnct group of colleges name faculty dr preeti gupta designation associate professor department engineering chemistry subject unit vii topic periodic properties classification elements and periodicity in need for it is very difficult to study individually the all millions their compounds hence simplify systematize they are classified into groups periods early attempt classify lavoiser had been two major by metals non this was based on differences dobereiner s law traids first towards he arranged similar a three called triad atomic mass middle traid approximately arithmetic mean other newland octaves when lighter order increasing weights then every eighth element its similarly as node musical scale one e g na thelement resembles with li k th so lother meyer arrangement graphs plotting volumes against known lothar mayer volume curves alkali have highest alkaline earth be mg ca sr ba etc which relatively little less electropositive occupy positions descending part curve halogens noble gase...

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