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picture1_Hydrogen Pdf 195426 | Chem 1 Compound Sheet Fs08

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File: Hydrogen Pdf 195426 | Chem 1 Compound Sheet Fs08
common cations anions acids salts and hydrate nomenclature cations positive ions anions negative ions acids h and anion h hydrogen ion proton h hydride ion nh ammonium ion f fluoride ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Common cations anions acids salts and hydrate nomenclature positive ions negative h anion hydrogen ion proton hydride nh ammonium f fluoride hf hydrofluoric acid main group cl chloride hcl hydrochloric li lithium br bromide hbr hydrobromic na sodium i iodide hi hydroiodic k potassium o oxide rb rubidium oh hydroxide cs cesium peroxide be beryllium s sulfide hs hydrosulfuric mg magnesium ca calcium se selenide sr strontium n nitride ba barium azide ai aluminum p phosphide sn tin ii stannous as arsinide iv stannic c carbide pb lead plumbous cn cyanide hcn hydrocyanic plumbic oxoanions oxoacids sb antimony iii antimonous cio hypochlorite hcio hypochlorous v antimonic chlorite chlorous bi bismuth bismuthous chlorate chloric bismuthic clo perchlorate hclo perchloric transition metal so sulfite hso sulfurous cr chromium chromous sulfate sulfuric chromic bisulfate mn manganese manganous thiosulfate thiosulfuric manganic no nitrite hno nitrous fe iron ferrous nitrate nitric ferric po phosphite...

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