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picture1_Hydrogen Pdf 195344 | Class 7 Symbols And Formulae Study Material

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File: Hydrogen Pdf 195344 | Class 7 Symbols And Formulae Study Material
symbols and formulae symbols and formulae there are 118 elements discovered so far 92 of the elements have been found to occur in nature some of the elements are man ...

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...Symbols and formulae there are elements discovered so far of the have been found to occur in nature some man made it is possible that scientist will continue discover more most these take part a variety reactions giving rise large number new substances writing their names using cumbersome hence need write compounds short form chemical introduced represent respectively symbol for element represents either pure state or combined first letter its english name used as only capital letters example s no hydrogen h carbon c nitrogen n oxygen o fluorine f sulphur boron b phosphorus p iodine i uranium u vanadium v when two start with same second prominent added always small one cobalt co calcium ca cadmium cd chlorine cl nickel ni platinum pt palladium pd chromium cr barium ba bromine br beryllium be manganese mn titanium ti zinc zn hyderabad classes limited saifabad opp secretariat phone fax uty vii ch ii sf derived from latin sodium natrium na potassium kalium k iron ferrum fe copper cuprum c...

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