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picture1_Pdf Printable Periodic Table 195295 | 10 Chemistry

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File: Pdf Printable Periodic Table 195295 | 10 Chemistry
class x date 1 12 2020 sub chemistry topic chap 5 mendeleev s periodic table the number of elements discovered has increased making it difficult to remember the behavior and ...

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...Class x date sub chemistry topic chap mendeleev s periodic table the number of elements discovered has increased making it difficult to remember behavior and properties these hence is important classify according their also necessary understand how they form compounds grouping into different classes called classification a tabular method displaying in such way that having similar occur same vertical column or group dobereiner triads this based on atomic mass when are arranged order increasing masses groups three obtained middle element triad being nearly equal average other two with limitations could identify only following from known at time fails arrange all even newland law octaves placed physical chemical every th repetition first given was applicable upto calcium for lighter adjusted slot e g co ni example fluorine chlorine bromine iodine existed nature no more would be future function periodicity after certain regular intervals as features twelve horizontal rows which were conden...

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