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picture1_Periodic Classification Of Elements Notes

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File: Periodic Classification Of Elements Notes
chapter periodic classification of elements subject science chemistry class x chapter 5 periodic classification of elements notes introduction matter around us is present in the form of elements compounds and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter periodic classification of elements subject science chemistry class x notes introduction matter around us is present in the form compounds and mixtures are substances containing atoms only one type e g na mg au etc there known to all these have different properties make study easy been divided into few groups such a way that same group similar dobereiner s triads had discovered by german scientist some named them as his chemical atomic mass middle element triad was roughly average masses other two arithmetic mean lithium sodium potassium chlorine bromine iodine calcium strontium barium limitations three were recognized from at time mentioned above out could be arranged newland law octaves an english then order th increasing found property every repeats st i nd so on he compared this music sa re ga ma called it for example li applicable up lighter new did not fit certain places put together slot too column unlike having very placing iron fe far away nickel ni cobalt co explained...

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