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picture1_Pdf Printable Periodic Table 195242 | Nurma Setya Wardhani   Proses Pengembangan Tabel Periodik Unsur (tpu) Braille Untuk Siswa Difabel Netra

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Pdf Printable Periodic Table 195242 | Nurma Setya Wardhani Proses Pengembangan Tabel Periodik Unsur (tpu) Braille Untuk Siswa Difabel Netra

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Nurma setya wardhani dan jamil suprihatiningrum proses pengembangan tabel periodik unsur tpu braille untuk siswa difabel netra jurusan pendidikan kimia fakultas sains teknologi uin sunan kalijaga yogyakarta e mail ardhanielova yahoo co id suka ac abstract one of the challenging subjects in chemistry for students with visual impairment is periodic table known bahasa indonesia as sistemperiodikunsur spu common method teaching currently used this subject lecture occasional use tactile demonstration where teacher or lecturer describes component by drawing object on thestudent s palm back short learn tableby relying heavilyon their memory based challenge developmental research undertakesthe development a version periodictable that will enable blind student to properly model an accessible tactual learning tool enables independently through experience key words element disabled abstrak salah satu materi pembelajaran yang termasuk sulit diajarkan kepada adalah sistem guru menyampaikan dengan m...

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