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picture1_Outer Electron Configurations

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File: Outer Electron Configurations
outer electron configurations notebook october 25 2009 classifying elements by group period and block outer electron configurations involves the electrons in the highest occupied energy level can also include electrons ...

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...Outer electron configurations notebook october classifying elements by group period and block involves the electrons in highest occupied energy level can also include d f sublevels under following conditions sublevel is incomplete or element same as completed oct pm examples of na s config cl p ni gd po most easily identified entries at end noble gas configuration what so important about that part are furthest away from nucleus likely to be involved chemical bonding valence outermost first used patterns periodic table for h li k rb cs fr all have pattern n number likewise follow main name alkali metals ns alkaline earth boron family carbon nitrogen np oxygen halogens gases example given identify answer corresponds high on final entry matches write expected located position notes out front...

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