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picture1_Data Science

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File: Data Science
machine learning theory 1 peter flach machine learning the art and science of algorithms that make sense of data 2 yoshua bengio et al deep learning python language mark lutz ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Machine learning theory peter flach the art and science of algorithms that make sense data yoshua bengio et al deep python language mark lutz volume analysis in pandas numpy libraries michael haidt studying wes mckinney for j vander plas complex tasks scikit learn library andreas muller sarah guido introduction to with sebastian raschka keras tensorflow pytorch francois chollet antonio gulli sujit pal implementing models neural networks power aurelien geron hands on bharath ramsundar reza bosagh zadeh brian mcmahan delip rao natural processing build intelligent applications using computer vision jan erik solem programming docker containers adrian mowat online courses coursera specialization a platform competitions among scientists www kaggle com we are waiting you https nixstech...

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