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mrslab ros platform cheat sheet by tomas baca github com klaxalk multi robot systems mrs http mrs felk cvut cz v1 0 0 ubuntu terminal gnu linux basics git version ...

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                                                                  MRSlab ROS platform Cheat Sheet
                                              by Tomas Baca (github.com/klaxalk) @ Multi-robot Systems (MRS), http://mrs.felk.cvut.cz, v1.0.0
         Ubuntu terminal - GNU/Linux basics                                                                                Git version control system
                               Hitting hTabi autocompletes commands, filenames, etc.                                       Git is a distributed version control system. Repositories are equal, some are just used as a “server” (called
                       New terminal                Ctrl+Alt+t                                                             remote). Git uses branches to isolate ongoing work on the same project. Branches can be merged to combine
                       Need help                   append --help after command                                            the work back into a single piece. Changes in the files should be commited. Only commit “runnable” code.
                       Need more help!             :$ man [command]
                       Change directory            :$ cd [path]                                                             Cloning a repository                  over ssh :$ git clone git@mrs.felk.cvut.cz:uav/uav core
                       Path symbolic links         . – current directory                                                                                          over https :$ git clone https://github.com/klaxalk/linux-setup
                                                   .. – previous directory                                                  Update origin state                   :$ git fetch
                                                   ∼–homedirectory (also $HOME)                                             Update current branch from remote     :$ git pull
                                                   / – root directory                                                       Update current branch to remote       :$ git push
                       create a file                :$ touch [path]                                                          Add files for commit                   :$ git add [file]
                       remove a file                :$ rm [path]                                                             Commit changes                        :$ git commit -m "commit message"
                       move (also rename) a file    :$ mv [from] [to]                                                        Checkout a branch                     :$ git checkout [branch name]
                       copy a file                  :$ cp [from] [to]                                                        Create a branch                       :$ git checkout -b [branch name]
                       print a file                 :$ cat [path]                                                            unstage the file                       :$ git reset [file name]
                       edit a file                  :$ vim [path], :$ nano [path]                                            undo all uncommited changes           :$ git reset --hard
                       set a variable              :$ VARIABLE="dog", VARIABLE=3.0                                          remove all new unstaged files          :$ git clean -fd
                       print a variable            :$ echo "the content is:   $VARIABLE"                                    Merge a branch                        :$ git merge [branch name]
                       run a script or executable  :$ ./script.sh, ./program                                                Rebase on a branch                    :$ git rebase [branch name]
                       output redirection          > – to a file (rewrite)                                                   refactor branch history               :$ git filter-branch [lot of args]
                                                   >> – to a file (append)                                                   show status                           :$ git status
                                                   | – pipe to another command                                              show log                              :$ git log
                       redirect to /dev/null       > /dev/null 2>&1                                                         show better log                       :$ glog
                                    Would You Like to Know More? http://google.com                                                                                – is an alias for :$ git log with more arguments
                                                                                                                            show super forest log                 :$ flog
         TMUX-Terminal multiplexer                                                                                                                                – uses /.scripts/git-forest.sh
                                                                                                                                                   Would You Like to Know More? https://try.github.io/
                          Run tmux                              :$ tmux
                          List all sessions                     :$ tmux ls                                                 .bashrc – Bash configuration
                          Attach to a session                   :$ tmux a -t [session name]
                          New window (tab)                      Ctrl+t                                                    When a new terminal is opened and an instance of bash is launched, the ∼/.bashrc file is sourced (executed
                          New vertical split                    Ctrl+s                                                    while its leftover variables, functions and aliases stay in the context). We use .bashrc heavily for setting con-
                          New horizontal split                  Ctrl+d                                                    text for ROS and our development environment. .bashrc sources ROS setup scripts, which are also generated
                          Moving through windows (tabs)         Shift+→, Shift+←                                          by each workspace. If you change this file, source it (or open a new terminal) to activate the changes:
                          Moving through panes (splits)         Alt+→, Alt+←, Alt+↑, Alt+↓                                :$ source ∼/.bashrc or just :$ sb. Here is an example of what should not be missing in the bottom of a
                          prefix                                 Ctrl+a                                                    healthy .bashrc file:
                          Killing window                        prefix x, :$ exit, :$ :q                                               # THIS IS FOR VIM
                          Killing session                       prefix k                                                               export CTAGS_SOURCE_DIR="-R ~/mrs_workspace -R ~/workspace"
                          Detach from session                   prefix d                                                               export CTAGS_ONCE_SOURCE_DIR="-R /opt/ros/melodic/include"
                          Enter vim mode (scrolling, copying)   F2, prefix [                                                           export ROS_WORKSPACE="~/mrs_workspace ~/workspace"
                    Would You Like to Know More? https://github.com/klaxalk/linux-setup/wiki/tmux
                                                                                                                                      export GIT_PATH=$HOME/git
         Vim – a modern pluginizable text processor
                                                                                                                                      source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
         Vim is not a joke. Although you might not know how to exit it (yet), it is a very powerful tool. Our vim                     # SOURCE ONLY ONE WORKSPACE AT A TIME
         is filled with features, including code snippets, code completion (ROS aware), code formatting, syntax high-                  source ~/workspace/devel/setup.bash
         lighting and tmux integration. Its control is completely mouse-less and it is fully usable over ssh, which makes             # source ~/other_workspace/devel/setup.bash
         it great for remote editing on a drone. Moreover, its modal editing paradigm is very intuitive. Lastly, when
         you learn how to control vim, you also learn to control other tools such as Linux manual pages, ranger, less                 # NEEDED FOR SIMULATION
         and much more. Even gmail uses vim-like controls natively. Run :$ vimtutor to start learning vim using an                    source /usr/share/gazebo/setup.sh
         interactive “file tutorial”. Here are some simple commands:                                                                   source $GIT_PATH/simulation/install/share/simulation/setup.sh
                                                                                                                                      export UAV_MASS=3.0
                 switch to insert mode    i              jump a word/Word forwards      w/W
                 return to normal mode    ESC          jump a word/Word backwards       b/B                                           # SWAP LOCALHOST FOR A HOSTNAME OF A REMOTE ROS SERVER
                 cut a line to clipboard  dd              change current word/Word      ciw/ciW                                       export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
                 paste a clipboard        p                       delete 3 lines down   3dj
                 open a command line      :                    substitute dog for cat   :%s/dog/cat/g                                 # SET TO FALSE IF YOU DON’T LIKE TMUX
                 save                     :w          move cursor left/down/up/right    h/j/k/l                                       export RUN_TMUX=true
                 quit                     :q          delete every line containing dog  :%g/dog/normal dd
                           Would You Like to Know More? https://www.tutorialspoint.com/vim/                                           source $GIT_PATH/linux-setup/appconfig/bash/dotbashrc
          ROSin Linux terminal                                                                                               ROSpackage structure
                  Please, visit http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials before starting work on a bigger project.                 Some of the following items might be missing, depending on the package use case.
           Use hTabi to complete commands, topic names, message types and pre-fill message contents.
                   Getting help                         append --help after any following command                                                  package.xml       manifest, dependencies and plugins
                   Listing all ROS nodes                :$ rosnode list                                                                            CMakeLists.txt    description of compilation procedure
                   Listing all ROS topics               :$ rostopic list                                                                           src/              C and C++ source codes
                   Listing all ROS services             :$ rosservice list                                                                         include/          C and C++ headers
                   Listing all ROS params               :$ rosparam list                                                                           scripts/          Python and bash scripts
                   Running a ROS binary                 :$ rosrun package name binary name                                                         config/           yaml config files
                   Running a launch file                 :$ roslaunch package name launch file.launch                                               cfg/              dynamic reconfigure scripts
                   Showing a node info                  :$ rosnode info /node/path                                                                 launch/           ROS launch files
                   Showing a topic info                 :$ rostopic info /topic/path                                                               Would You Like to Know More? http://wiki.ros.org/Packages
                   Showing a service info               :$ rosservice info /service/path
                   Showing a topic type                 :$ rostopic type /topic/path                                         ROSvisualization tools
                   Showing a service type               :$ rosservice type /topic/path
                   Showing a message type structure     :$ rosmsg show [msg type]                                                               Rviz               3-D visualization of data and models
                   Showing a service type structure     :$ rossrv show [srv type]                                                                                  :$ rviz
                   Showing topic messages               :$ rostopic echo /topic/path                                                                               :$ roslaunch mrs testing rviz uav1.launch
                   Showing a param value                :$ rosparam get /parm/path                                                              Rqt plot           simple and lightweight plotting
                   Calling a service                    :$ rosservice call /service/path [args]                                                                    :$ rqt plot
                   Publishing on a topic                :$ rostopic pub /topic/path [args]                                                      Rqt bag            visualizing contents of a rosbag
                   Setting a param value                :$ rosparam set /parm/path [args]                                                                          :$ rqt bag
                        Would You Like to Know More? http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/CommandLineTools                                                   Plot juggler       complex and powerful plotting
                                                                                                                                                                   :$ rosrun plotjuggler PlotJuggler
          ROSworkspace structure                                                                                                                Rqt reconfigure     online parameter setting
                                                                                                                                                                   :$ rosrun rqt reconfigure rqt reconfigure
         MRSlab main workspace                                                                                                                  Rqt image view     camera images visualization
                                                                                                                                                                   :$ rqt image view
                                 path       ∼/mrs workspace/                                                                                    Gazebo client      Gazebo GUI
                                 contains   src/uav core/ – core MRS repository                                                                                    :$ gzclient
                                            src/uav modules/ – modules MRS repository                                                           rqt                Integrates most of the rqt tools
                                                                                                                                                                   :$ rqt
         MRSlab student workspace                                                                                                                   Would You Like to Know More? http://wiki.ros.org/Tools
                                 path       ∼/workspace                                                                      Useful UAV ROS topics and services
                                 contains   example packages/                                                               Following ROS services and topics allow for controlling the UAV from terminal. Each address contains a
                                            – waypoint flier – general ROS template                                         particular name of the UAV.
                                            – vision example – computer vision template
                                                                                                                            Informative topics (subscribe to know stuff)
         General ROS package structure                                                                                                     state estimate (rviz-able)    /uav1/odometry/odom main
                          build   generated makefiles and support files                                                                      control reference (rviz-able) /uav1/control manager/cmd odom
                                  do not modify                                                                                            control reference             /uav1/control manager/position cmd
                          devel   compiled binaries, libraries and installed headers                                                       active tracker status         /uav1/control manager/tracker status
                                  do not modify                                                                                            active controller status      /uav1/control manager/controller status
                          src     package source codes                                                                                     MPCtracker diagnostics        /uav1/control manager/mpc tracker/diagnostics
                                  place your stuff here
            Would You Like to Know More? https://mrs.felk.cvut.cz/gitlab/uav/uav_core/wikis/file_structure                  Control Services/Topics (call or publish to influence stuff)
                 Even more? https://mrs.felk.cvut.cz/gitlab/uav/uav_core/wikis/repositories_structure                                 The ROS topics and services for goto, goto relative and goto fcu have the same address.
          Navigating and compiling ROS workspace                                                                                    world absolute goal         /uav1/control manager/goto
                                                                                                                                    world relative goal         /uav1/control manager/goto relative
                          go to a package                 :$ roscd [package name]                                                   frame relative goal         /uav1/control manager/goto fcu
                          compile the whole workspace     :$ catkin build                                                           takeoff                      /uav1/uav manager/takeoff
                          compile a particular package    :$ catkin build [package name]                                            land                        /uav1/uav manager/land
                          compile current package         :$ catkin bt                                                              land home                   /uav1/uav manager/land home
                          clean the whole workspace       :$ catkin clean                                                           hover                       /uav1/uav manager/hover
                          clean a particular package      :$ catkin clean [package name]                                            switch controller           /uav1/control manager/switch controller [Controller]
                          show workspace config            :$ catkin config                                                          switch tracker              /uav1/control manager/switch tracker [Tracker]
                          show compilation profiles        :$ catkin profile list                                                    set tracker constraints     /uav1/constraint manager/set constraints [Constraints]
                          set a compilation profile        :$ catkin profile set [profile name]                                      set SO(3) controller gains  /uav1/gain manager/set gains [Gains]
                          create a new workspace          :$ catkin init                                                            load trajectory             /uav1/control manager/mpc tracker/load trajectory
                          set workspace extending         :$ catkin config --extend [path]                                          trajectory fly2start         /uav1/control manager/mpc tracker/fly to trajectory start
                                                                                                                                    trajectory fly               /uav1/control manager/mpc tracker/start trajectory following
                     Would You Like to Know More? https://catkin-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/                               You Like to Know More? https://mrs.felk.cvut.cz/gitlab/uav/uav_core/wikis/commanding_the_drone
             SSH keys                                                                                                                                                  Quaternions (unit quaternions)
                 • Generate your SSH key by: :$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your email@example.com".                                                                                          “Complex” numbers with three imaginary parts: i, j, k and k·k = 1.
                 • The keys are stored in ∼/.ssh.                                                                                                                          By axis [x,y,z] and angle φ                    q = cos φ +(xi+yj +zk)sin φ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2φ                 φ         2       φ                 φ
                                                                                                                                                                           Component-wise                                 q   =cos , q =xsin , q =ysin , q =zsin
                 • Show the content of the public key by: :$ cat ∼/.ssh/id rsa.pub and copy it to Github or Gitlab.                                                                                                        w           2    x           2     y           2    z            2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                q −q i−q j−q k
                                                                                                                                                                           Inverse quaternion                             q−1 = cos −φ +(xi+yj +zk)sin −φ = w                          x     y     z
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2                               2        q2 +q2+q2+q2
                 • Copy your public key over ssh to another machine by: :$ ssh-copy-id user@machine.                                                                                                                                                                               w x y z
                                                                                                                                                                           Transforming the vector [1,2,3]                u=0+1i+2j+3k,v=quq−1
                 • Entries in the ∼/.ssh/config allow connecting to a machine via alias while using an ssh key:
                                                    host mrs                                                                                                                                                        Getting Euler angles from Odometry:
                                                             hostname mrs.felk.cvut.cz                                                                                                           double yaw, pitch, roll;
                                                             user git                                                                                                                            tf2::Quaternion quaternion;
                                                             identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa                                                                                                          tf2::fromMsg(odometry->pose.pose.orientation, quaternion);
                                                                                                                                                                                                 tf2::Matrix3x3(quaternion).getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
             Spawning a UAV in Gazebo simulator                                                                                                                                                    Would You Like to Know More? https://eater.net/quaternions
           We created the :$ spawn command to dynamically load a UAV into the Gazebo/ROS simulator. Various                                                            Common ROS handlers in C++
           arguments can be used to influence the type of the drone, its sensors, its starting location and additional
           onboard hardware. Type :$ spawn --help to see the complete list, here are some notable examples:                                                                node handler             ros::NodeHandle nh = ros::NodeHandle("∼");
                                                                                                                                                                           nodelet handler          ros::NodeHandle nh = nodelet::Nodelet::getMTPrivateNodeHandle();
                 start and stop the onboard firmware automatically                               --run --delete                                                             subscriber               ros::Subscriber subscriber = nh.subscribe("name", 1, callback, this,
                 use initial position from a CSV file (id, x, y, z, heading)                     --file [file]                                                                                       ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
                 add down-facing rangefinder                                                     --enable-rangefinder                                                       publisher                ros::Publisher publisher = nh.advertise("name", 1);
                 add front-facing camera                                                        --enable-bluefox-wall                                                      service client           ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient("name");
                 add down-facing camera                                                         --enable-bluefox                                                           service server           ros::ServiceServer server = nh.advertiseService("name", callback, this);
                 add front-facing RealSense                                                     --enable-realsense-front                                                   timer                    ros::Timer timer = nh.createTimer(ros::Rate(30), callback, this);
                 add 2-D rangefinder                                                             --enable-rplidar
                 add 3-D rangefinder                                                             --enable-velodyne                                                                               Would You Like to Know More? http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials
                 add UV camera for UVDAR                                                        --enable-uv-camera                                                     Common ROS handlers in Python
                 add UV leds for UVDAR                                                          --enable-uv-leds
                 set UV led frequencies                                                         --led-frequencies [L] [R]                                                    node handler          rospy.init node(’node name’, anonymous=True)
                 add super long pendulum                                                        --enable-pendulum                                                            subscriber            subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(’∼topic name’, MessageClass, callback,
                 add ball holder                                                                --enable-ball-holder                                                                               queue size=1)
           Atypical simulation spawning looks like:                                                                                                                          publisher             publisher = rospy.Publisher(’∼topic name’, MessageClass, queue size=1)
           :$ spawn 1 --run --delete --enable-rangefinder --enable-ground-truth --enable-bluefox-wall                                                                        service client        client = rospy.ServiceProxy(’∼service name’, MessageClass)
                                                                                                                                                                             service server        server = rospy.Service(’∼service name’, MessageClass, callback)
             ROSonaremote machine                                                                                                                                            timer                 timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1/30.0), callback)
                                                                                                                                                                                                Would You Like to Know More? http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials
                 • Add your local machine to the remote machine’s /etc/hosts and vice versa.                                                                           Common Eigen operations in C++
                 • Make sure the machines can ping each other using their hostname.
                 • Add export ROS MASTER URI=http://localhost:11311 to the remote’s .bashrc.                                                                            Fixed matrix                   Matrix A;                  element-wise product             P.cwiseProduct(Q)
                 • Add export ROS MASTER URI=http://hostname:11311 to the local’s .bashrc, where hostname is the re-                                                    Dynamic matrix                 MatrixXd A;                              Norm                             v.norm()
                     mote’s hostname.                                                                                                                                   Dynamic vector                 VectorXd v;                              Squred norm                      v.squaredNorm()
                                                                                                                                                                        Zero matrix                    MatrixXd::Zero(rows, cols)               Dot product                      v.dot(u)
                 • Run roscore only on the remote machine.                                                                                                              Identity matrix                MatrixXd::Identity(n, n)                 Cross product                    v.cross(v)
                                                                                                                                                                        Vector element                 v(n)                                     Solve Ax=b                       x = A.qr().solve(b);
             The math that everybody needs, but nobody remembers                                                                                                        Matrix element                 A(row, column)                           Eigen-decomposition              EigenSolver eig(A);
                                                                                                                                                                        Matrix inversion               A.inverse()                              Matrix transposition             A.transpose()
                  2-D rotational matrix:                     Degrees-to-radian conversion table with values of sin and cos:                                             Matrix column                  A.col(n)                                 #include            for everything
                                                             deg       0        30          45         60         90        120       180                             no. of rows and cols           A.rows(), A.cols()                       #include         for cross
              R(φ)= cosφ −sinφ                                 rad       0      0.523       0.785      1.047      1.57       2.09       3.14                            Sub-matrix                     A.block(i, j, rows, cols)                #include               for QR decomposition
                             sinφ        cosφ                  sin      0.0     0.500       0.707      0.866       1.0      0.866        0.0                                    Would You Like to Know More? https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/AsciiQuickReference.txt
                                                               cos      1.0     0.866       0.707      0.500       0.0       -0.50      -1.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        visit the MRS lab!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (and use Google)
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...Mrslab ros platform cheat sheet by tomas baca github com klaxalk multi robot systems mrs http felk cvut cz v ubuntu terminal gnu linux basics git version control system hitting htabi autocompletes commands lenames etc is a distributed repositories are equal some just used as server called new ctrl alt t remote uses branches to isolate ongoing work on the same project can be merged combine need help append after command back into single piece changes in les should commited only commit runnable code more man change directory cd cloning repository over ssh clone uav core path symbolic links current https setup previous update origin state fetch homedirectory also home branch from pull root push create le touch add for remove rm m message move rename mv checkout copy cp b print cat unstage reset edit vim nano undo all uncommited hard set variable dog unstaged clean fd echo content merge run script or executable sh program rebase output redirection rewrite refactor history filter show statu...

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