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File: Examplesofissueswithblockrotationschedules
examples of issues with block rotation schedules this document contains examples of both poorly designed and well designed block rotation schedules with comments on specific issues to address both the ...

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...Examples of issues with block rotation schedules this document contains both poorly designed and well comments on specific to address the issue how correct it handout can be used as a reference for creating ensure all necessary information is effectively included schedule explanations institution inst ccu wards green specialty blue elective med er icu pgy name team outpt outpatient research ward electiv special s e ty specialt resea rese y rch arch there are several that make difficult interpret accreditation council graduate medical education acgme residents in program presumably rotate only three institutions however appear each seemingly random order would much more helpful review committee reviewing if rotations given year were batched other words better list then furthermore two same assignment those should example shown at but they not consecutively could see glance time resident assigned during little th...

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