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picture1_Production Pdf 193538 | 2 1 Main Concepts

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File: Production Pdf 193538 | 2 1 Main Concepts
agricultural cost of production statistics main concepts agricultural cost of production statistics daejong 2327 april 2018 1 accounting approach economic accounting is used business or tax accounting all costs are ...

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...Agricultural cost of production statistics main concepts daejong april accounting approach economic is used business or tax all costs are measured ocash generally resulting from an transaction ononcash inputs supplied by the farm farmer including land capital fixed oopportunity this necessary to appropriately measure productivity factors such as labor boundaries cultivation stops at farmgate strictly speaking it excludes otransport first selling point transformer omarketing publicity packing and conditioning going beyond basic form in which commodities usually sold these can be agcop program but should o presented separately tables not included computation indicators net gross returns opportunity def a good service defined its value next best alternative use aaea input that ohas been purchased selfproduced exchanged nonpaid family seeds own etc ois missing difficult obtain revenue implicitly foregone investing on instead offfarm some examples ononpaid salary rates paid nonfarming secto...

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