a stochastic frontier production function incorporating flexible risk properties guang h wan and george e battese no 66 june 1992 issn 0 157 0188 isbn 1 86389 018 1 a ...
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...A stochastic frontier production function incorporating flexible risk properties guang h wan and george e battese no june issn isbn stockastic abstract this paper considers new which permits the marginal risks of inputs to be negative or positive technical efficiency firms levels factor previous models have specified either zero do not permit sufficient flexibility for many empirical applications proposed model incorporates structure suggested by just pope aigner lovell schmidt meeusen van den broeck maxlmum llkellhood estimation parameters prediction efflciencies are considered given that cross sectional data on sample available presented at australasian meeting econometric society monash university melbourne july department agricultural economics sydney nsw phone fax econometrics england armidale australia...