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File: Production Pdf 193415 | Aeb1 11825589
advances in economics and business 10 1 1 13 2022 http www hrpub org doi 10 13189 aeb 2022 100101 a theory for building neo classical production functions 1 2 ...

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...Advances in economics and business http www hrpub org doi aeb a theory for building neo classical production functions oscar orellana raul fuentes department of mathematics federico santa maria technical university chile industries received october revised january accepted february cite this paper the following citation styles vol no pp b copyright by authors all rights reserved agree that article remains permanently open access under terms creative commons attribution license international abstract study we propose mathematical function relation to aggregation problem neoclassical with usually found macroeconomics has been topic homogeneous inputs both aggregate per capita theoretical empirical discussion or debate field is based on two concepts euler s equation whereas prominent researchers such as cauchy condition first order partial differential robert solow paul samuelson franco modigliani equations analysis restricted have defended economic orthodoxy exhibit constant returns scal...

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