instituto nacional de investigacion y tecnologia agraria y alimentaria inia spanish journal of agricultural research 2008 6 3 309 319 available online at www inia es sjar issn 1695 971 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Instituto nacional de investigacion y tecnologia agraria alimentaria inia spanish journal of agricultural research available online at www es sjar issn x the policy analysis matrix with profit efficient data evaluating profitability in rice cultivation e reig martinez a j picazo tadeo and v estruch departamento economia aplicada ii universidad valencia avda dels tarongers s n spain valenciano investigaciones economicas guardia civil ciencias sociales escuela superior ingenieros agronomos politecnica camino vera abstract this paper combines envelopment techniques to model from farming matrices are computed for sample growers located wetland albufera eastern under observed conventional conditions while points lack farmers shown make positive profits private social prices when reflecting efficiency adjustments used main conclusion is that usefulness might be substantially enhanced by simulating after improving managerial decisions have been adopted additional key words albuferanatural par...