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picture1_Production Pdf 193076 | Lec03 Item Download 2023-02-06 01-55-03

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File: Production Pdf 193076 | Lec03 Item Download 2023-02-06 01-55-03
lecture no 3 basic concepts in farm management production types of resources choice indicators costs revenue profit total average marginal concepts basic concepts of farm management the basic concepts that ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Lecture no basic concepts in farm management production types of resources choice indicators costs revenue profit total average marginal the that are frequently used discussed below i firm means a piece land where crop and livestock enterprises taken up under common is which combines agricultural products on lines business e with objective maximization ii or inputs factors those get consumed transformed into process services also all can be classified two they fixed variable level some like buildings machinery etc over planning period irrespective these called g building machineries quantum does not change during short may become long term b seed fertilizer labour vary output stock flow as detailed entirely feed such stored for using at later contrary to there give only hence if this category utilized go waste cannot use example particular day future iii ways mobilizing different them by manager here owning implements tools work bullocks acquired purchasing farmers own due following re...

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