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picture1_Production Pdf 193028 | Gordond

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File: Production Pdf 193028 | Gordond
proceedings of asbbs volume 18 number 1 a brief history of the production function and its role in economics gordon david m university of saint francis il abstract the production ...

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...Proceedings of asbbs volume number a brief history the production function and its role in economics gordon david m university saint francis il abstract plays many business disciplines but has genesis this paper provides an overview origin development over time is initially explored several different functions that have played important historical are explained these consist some well known such as cobb douglas constant elasticity substitution generalized leontief also covers not so popular arrow chenery minhas solow acms transcendental logarithmic other flexible forms here characteristics general would include limited to items returns scale separability homogeneity homotheticity output factors inputs degree input substitutability each exhibits duality issues potentially exist between certain cost information contained could act pedagogical aide any microeconomics based course especially at intermediate undergraduate level or graduate introduction one main focuses theories existed long...

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