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picture1_Fybcom Qb Final

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File: Fybcom Qb Final
question bank in economics for the reference of f y b com f y b a and s y b com students f y b com business economics i revised ...

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...Question bank in economics for the reference of f y b com a and s students business i revised syllabus section module explain following concepts demand function elasticity c income d cross e promotional consumer surplus g forecasting distinguish between direct indirect methods discuss various determinants different types what are concept describe steps involved or statistical production short run law variable proportions long laws returns to scale cobb douglas iso quants cost line budget economies h diseconomies opportunity j producer increasing decreasing social private money real economic accounting fixed average ac marginal mc afc avc write note on is least combination conditions equilibrium derive curves why lac curve known as planning notes optimum firm total revenue break even point profit maximization growth relationship tr ar mr under perfect competition monopoly objectives fully analysis ii monopolistic oligopoly product differentiation selling kinked excess normal k losses l ...

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