ANNALSOFECONOMICSANDFINANCE 19-2, 473–522 (2018) Ricardian Comparative Advantage: Impact of Specialization on the Exportation of Products in ASEAN Countries Mohammad Sharif Karimi and Mehran Malekshahian* Aim of this research is ...
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...Annalsofeconomicsandfinance ricardian comparative advantage impact of specialization on the exportation products in asean countries mohammad sharif karimi and mehran malekshahian aim this research is to verify which extent aects ex portation six major association southeast asian nations according traditional theory compara tive ca paper rstly patterns trade at two digit level harmonized system will be analyzed indone sia thailand malaysia singapore philippines vietnam revealed com parative rca index lafay lfi are main proxies measuring calculated afterwards we investigate export a gravity model during for whole sample each country separately order words it tested whether or not explained by control available endogeneity heteroskedasticity xed eects problems use robust step general ized method moments gmm technique results estimation suggest that measured both indices has signicant positive only emphasizes applicability these key exports jel classication numbers f introduction asia an i...