tkinter gui programming modeling motion week 6 computing homework do one of the following and submit it at thursday s computing lecture may 13 1 start create a tkinter gui ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Tkinter gui programming modeling motion week computing homework do one of the following and submit it at thursday s lecture may start create a window for part your project with least widget send code whether works or not if doesn t include description what you ve tried think might be wrong problem don plan to add element program want try something more basic rst thefollowing denes class sinewave which draws green sine wave visual python also has setamplitude method will change amplitude redraw using examples provided in called application an init that creates scale adjusts by calling its allow adjustment from steps use set initial value thenaddasecondscalewidgettoadjustthe frequency between periods every radians posted on website http academic evergreen edu curricular modelingmotion examplecode home php import def self curve color radius draw make axes pos x axis y new points arange pi append sin default...