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picture1_Pdf Orientation 191552 | Competitive Programing Club Constitution

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File: Pdf Orientation 191552 | Competitive Programing Club Constitution
competitive programming club constitution last updated 1 4 2021 article i name of club the name of this club will be competitive programming club article ii purpose of club the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Competitive programming club constitution last updated article i name of the this will be ii purpose has been organized to give students tools needed compete in hackathons and competitions iii authority derives its directly from student senate indirectly college board trustees iv membership mandatory is open all sbcc regardless their religious affiliations gender age sexual orientation ethnicity etc v meetings regular determined by at initial meeting each semester reported office life room cc vi officers president preside over call special vice supports presidents takes his her absence secretary records minutes treasurer keeps financial record vii elections shall serve term s elected viii amendments amended upon approval members...

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