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picture1_Programming Fundamentals Notes 191374 | Enee 140 Syllabus

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File: Programming Fundamentals Notes 191374 | Enee 140 Syllabus
department of engineering physical and computer sciences montgomery college enee140 introduction to programming concepts for engineering spring 2019 1 general information lecture 31297 m w 1 00 1 50pm location ...

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...Department of engineering physical and computer sciences montgomery college enee introduction to programming concepts for spring general information lecture m w pm location sc lab instructor dr lan xiang email montgomerycollege edu office scf phone hours mw tr am recommended textbooks c how program by deitels th edition prentice hall isbn class handouts notes are available on the mymc catalog description principles software development high level languages input output data types variables operators expressions selection repetition functions arrays strings algorithms projects debugging documentation programs will use language prerequisites math is prerequisite intermediate engineers intended students who comfortable with fundamentals procedural it cover topics in including pointers dynamic memory allocation structures linked lists abstract more grading policy letter grade be based total score following five categories assignments homework tests midterm exam final comprehensive course t...

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