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picture1_Evolution Of Programming Languages Pdf 191246 | Evoluation Of Programming Languages Dr Jivtode

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File: Evolution Of Programming Languages Pdf 191246 | Evoluation Of Programming Languages Dr Jivtode
chapter 1 the evolution of programming languages programming languages evolution a programming language is the language through which user can communicate with the computer by writing program instructions every computer ...

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...Chapter the evolution of programming languages a language is through which user can communicate with computer by writing program instructions every contains set predefined words and rules syntax that are used to create classified as low level middle high also known machine code binary an example only two symbols all written in form numbers s directly understand first generation advantages easily executed without any translation require very less time for their execution disadvantages difficult use dependent means particular does not executes on other there find errors debug modify assembly or symbolic created using such letters digits special characters we called mnemonics process translating into its equivalent assembler translate figure easier more reliable easy error needs be translated slower compared understood users it similar human has grammar make keywords like cobol basic fortran c java etc these write converted complier interpreter readable understandable runs different machi...

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