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picture1_Hcv Item Download 2023-02-04 03-24-02

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File: Hcv Item Download 2023-02-04 03-24-02
hepatitis c basics hepatitis hepatitis means inflammation of the liver when the liver is inflamed or damaged its function can be affected heavy alcohol use toxins some medications and certain ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Hepatitis c basics means inflammation of the liver when is inflamed or damaged its function can be affected heavy alcohol use toxins some medications and certain medical conditions all cause however often caused by a virus in united states most common viruses are b infections three different although each similar symptoms they spread ways affect differently usually short term infection also begin as but people remains body causes chronic lifelong there vaccines to prevent no vaccine for range from mild illness lasting few weeks serious described acute meaning new occurs within first months after someone exposed leads with if left untreated health problems including damage cirrhosis scarring cancer even death what likelihood that will become more than half who infected develop it possible clear yes less their bodies without treatment do not experts fully understand why this happens blood person enters today sharing needles other equipment prepare inject drugs before was commonly through...

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