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picture1_Computer Science Thesis Pdf 190833 | Lecture1

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File: Computer Science Thesis Pdf 190833 | Lecture1
g52con concepts of concurrency lecture 1 introduction natasha alechina school of computer science nza cs nott ac uk outline of this lecture what is concurrency sequential vs concurrent programs applications ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
Partial capture of text on file.
           Concepts of  Concurrency
               Lecture 1: Introduction
                  Natasha Alechina
               School of Computer Science
                     Outline of this lecture
                       •what is concurrency
                       •sequential vs concurrent programs
                       •applications of concurrency
                       •module aims and objectives
                       •scope of the module
                       •suggested reading
                                                       G52CON Lecture 1: Introduction                                 2
                     What is concurrency
                     Concurrent programs are programs where several processes are executing 
                       •operating systems
                       •database management systems  
                       •GUI applications (for example where one thread is painting images 
                          and another is responding to user input)
                                                       G52CON Lecture 1: Introduction                                 3
                     Sequential programs
                     All programs are sequential in that they execute a sequence of instructions 
                     in a pre-defined order:
                                                                LOAD  x 
                                  x = x + 1                      ADD   1 
                                                                 STORE x 
                       There is a single thread of execution or control.
                                                       G52CON Lecture 1: Introduction                                 4
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...Gcon concepts of concurrency lecture introduction natasha alechina school computer science nza cs nott ac uk outline this what is sequential vs concurrent programs applications module aims and objectives scope the assessment suggested reading are where several processes executing simultaneously operating systems servers database management gui for example one thread painting images another responding to user input all in that they execute a sequence instructions pre dened order load x add store there single execution or control...

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