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File: Pthreads
posix threads programming https computing llnl gov tutorials pthreads tutorials exercises abstracts lc workshops comments search privacy legal notice posix threads programming author blaise barney lawrence livermore national laboratory ucrl ...

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...Posix threads programming https computing llnl gov tutorials pthreads exercises abstracts lc workshops comments search privacy legal notice author blaise barney lawrence livermore national laboratory ucrl mi table of contents abstract overview what is a thread are why designing threaded programs the api compiling management creating and terminating passing arguments to joining detaching stack miscellaneous routines mutex variables destroying mutexes locking unlocking condition waiting signaling on specic information recommendations topics not covered pthread library reference references more exercise in shared memory multiprocessor architectures such as smps can be used implement parallelism historically hardware vendors have implemented their own proprietary versions making portability concern for software developers unix systems standardized c language interface has been specied by ieee standard implementations that adhere this referred or tutorial begins with an introduction concept...

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