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picture1_Fundamentals Of Python Programming Pdf 190542 | 1010123364

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File: Fundamentals Of Python Programming Pdf 190542 | 1010123364
silver oak university college of technology 01 bachelor of technology in mechanical engineering 012 subject name fundamentals of python programming subject code 1010123364 semester 6th prerequisite concepts of programming logic ...

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...Silver oak university college of technology bachelor in mechanical engineering subject name fundamentals python programming code semester th prerequisite concepts logic basic knowledge c and objective this course introduces students the core language to use it for different applications development will help learn basics program design with functions using age engineers from all branches must build their domain teaching examination scheme evaluation contact theory practical total l t p hours credit cie ese marks pr content unit contents weightage no introduction history features local environment setup installation working setting up path first variables identifiers comments keyword indentation getting user input type conversion comparison other languages data types scalar sequence mapping set mutable list dictionary immutable numbers string tuple lists declaring operations methods comprehensions looping creating accessing values a modifying sets dictionaries add modify delete over ope...

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