File: Coding The Matrix Pdf 190527 | 2020 Climent Etal Racsam Preprint
this is a previous version of the article published in revista de la real academia de ciencias exactas fisicas y naturales serie a matematicas 2020 114 38 doi 10 1007 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...This is a previous version of the article published in revista de la real academia ciencias exactas fisicas y naturales serie matematicas doi s noname manuscript no will be inserted by editor block toeplitz matrices for burst correcting convolutional codes joan josep climent diego napp ver onica requena received date accepted abstract paper we study problem area coding theory particular focus on class error called characterize that can correct bursts erasures with lowest possible delay characterization given terms matrix entries nite eld built upon generator code result allows us to provide concrete construction being only zeros or ones recover low admits very simple decoding algorithm and therefore simplies existing schemes proposed recently literature keywords linear algebra finite elds mathematics subject classication b t introduction has emerged out need better communication rapidly developed as mathematical strong relationship combinatorics correction are used practical applicatio...